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Spare the details
It takes Oguna longer than it probably should have to connect the dots.

Fandom: Takeru ~ Opera Susanoh Sword of the Devil
Ships: Azuma/Izumo no Takeru/Ohsu no Mikoto
Characters: Oguna no Takeru, Izumo no Takeru, Azuma, Ohsu no Mikoto
Rating: Teen
Words: 1,180
Type: Oneshot
Warnings: None
Tags: Friends with benefits
Originally posted: 2023-08-20 Logo for Archive Of Our Own in pink


When Oguna came back to visit his brother for the first time in a while he hadn’t expected to run into Izumo of all people.

The man had been scarce on the island, travelling far and wide all over the world. He could count on his flesh fingers the amount of times he’d bumped into the man since they parted ways after Amamikado and Jagara ended the war. He’d run into Kumaso way more times than he had Izumo.

Which is why it surprised him when he came eye-to-eye with the man.

Well, not so much eye-to-eye anymore. Oguna had grown taller, and without his geta they were almost the same height. With them, he was a little bit taller than the blond.

Izumo’s hair was longer now, reaching past his shoulders. He’d managed to fit in even more beads with the added length. His skin looked tan, a little red from the sun, his hair lighter. He must’ve spent some time in the desertshe’d told Kumaso and Oguna about before. Oguna’s own hair was also a bit longer again, though it lacked its former length. It took more than a few years to grow your hair out that long.

Izumo’s eyes brightened as he caught sight of his friend, the green of them glowing in the morning sun. “Oguna, hey! I see you’re all grown up now.”

Oguna sent him a glare, but Izumo waved it off with a laugh. “It’s nice to see you again, you come to hang out with your brother?”


He was about to shake his head in denial at first, but paused. Technically, that is what he was here for. He just didn’t like being called out on it. Instead, he opted to ignore the question in favor of asking one of is own. “What are you doing here? I haven’t seen you here in years.”

Just as Izumo was about to answer they were interrupted by a familiar voice, one of the doors to the large castle leading into the courtyard opening. “Izumo, you forgot some of your jewelry when you- Oguna!”


Ohsu looked much the same as he did the last time Oguna met him a few months ago. Loud and bright and obnoxious. Only these days there were only remnants of animosity in Oguna’s chest. He was learning to leave that behind.

That still didn’t mean he appreciated the sudden hug though.


He smacked his older brother on the top of his head with a hand, making the other man whine but ultimately back off. “I didn’t expect you! I’ll make sure to have a feast set up for tonight!”

“Don’t do that,” Oguna grumbled, but it fell on deaf ears. It was fine, if there was dancing he was generally not obligated to participate. He’d stick to the food instead.

His eyes narrowed as Ohsu handed over a couple of necklaces and a bracelet to Izumo, who slipped the bracelet onto his wrist, adding the necklaces to the others around his neck.

There was something suspicious going on.

Dinner was lively.


Azuma had invited Miyazu, who was gladly participating in the eating and drinking. Oguna didn’t drink very often, nursing his cup for a good while, mostly keeping to the food. Yamato was on the road alongside Kumaso, leaving them one member shorts of both the royal sisters and the trio of Takerus, but Izumo and Azuma made sure they were partying enough to make up for their share too.

Oguna watched the way Ohsu seemed drawn to wherever Izumo was, the way Azuma draped herself across the blond man with a level of comfortability he generally only saw her have with her husband.

He saw Azuma pull her husband to her and Izumo’s side by his sleeve, leaning in to whisper something in his ear. Whatever it was made him blush, his eyes darting between Azuma and Izumo. It seemed to endlessly entertain both of the others, making them laugh.

It still didn’t click until he saw Azuma press a kiss to Ohsu’s cheek, followed by Ohsu almost doing the same to Izumo before catching himself, face growing an even brighter shade of red.

Azuma giggled, Izumo grinned, and the married couple wandered off at the call of Miyazu from the other end of the courtyard.


Oguna paused a few moments to observe Izumo before he quietly slid over to his side, sitting down next to him.

“Are you fucking my brother and my sister in law?”

Izumo choked on his wine. Oguna waited while he coughed, levelling him with a long stare.


“Ah,” izumo took a moment to catch his breath, then fell back into his usual easy-going demeanor. He leaned back, propped up on one of his arms. “It took you this long to notice? I think we gotta work on your observational skills.”

“Why would you sleep with-” he grimaced. He didn’t want to think about his brother’s love life.

“He’s your brother, I wouldn’t expect you to get it” Izumo grinned, taking a sip from his cup. “Let’s just say Azuma has more than one use for her wires.”

Oguna wanted so badly to smack Izumo in the face at that. Being no stranger to Oguna’s reactions, Izumo dodged his blow easily, laughing so hard he almost fell over. “Sorry, sorry.” He wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. “Couldn’t stop myself. I won’t give you any details, don’t worry.”

The look on Oguna’s face must have been foul, as Izumo snickered at the sight of it. “Either way, I am.”


“Are you together with them?”

“Nope, it’s purely physical.” Izumo topped up his cup again. Judging by the slight flush to his face he was already on his way to being drunk. He offered the jug to Oguna, who shook his head. He still had plenty of wine left. “We’re just having a bit of fun.”


Oguna didn’t understand it, but at the same time he didn’t want to pry. He’d learned more than enough for one evening.

He sat there for a while, watching Izumo, watching his brother and his sister in law where they were talking animatedly with the other guests. Then he caught Azuma take her husband’s hand, dragging him over to where the two of them were sitting. “Izumo, come dance with us,” he said, grabbing Izumo by his wrist.

“Well, since the queen of the castle is asking.” Izumo got onto his feet with the grace a man who had drunk as much as he had shouldn’t possess, and turned to Oguna to tell him bye. “I’ll see you later, Oguna.”

He turned toward the king and the queen, sending Ohsu a cheeky wink that made Ohsu’s face grow red again.

Oguna lifted his cup to his lips as he followed the movements of the dancing. “Gross,” he muttered into his wine. 

But still, it was a little bit entertaining to see Ohsu stumble on his feet at the attention he was getting from the two others.


Gross, but at least it seemed to work for them.

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